Tuesday, May 29, 2012

Day 1!

Well, we all made it.  I haven't actually seen any of the students yet (we're meeting up this afternoon), but I've been told that they're here and settling in.  Excellent.  I'm settling in as well -- my apartment is small but comfortable, in a building with its own little courtyard.   Santa Croce, where Galileo is buried, is just around the corner, which seems appropriate. 

I'm looking forward to seeing my students and getting our class started -- I think it might be a little tough for some of them to switch gears so quickly from tourist-mode to class-mode, but that's what we're here to do.

In the meantime....pictures!

The Palazzo Vecchio

Brunelleschi's famous dome on the Duomo -- still the largest brick dome in the world.

Spedale degli Innocenti -- once an orphanage and also designed by Brunelleschi, it's known today as the first genuine example of Renaissance architecture.

Ciao for now!

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